Hardest Pig app for iPhone and iPad
Hardest Pig is a very challenging game.There are only 4 levels in this game,but it may be one of the hardest game in the world, Its hard enough for you.Only when you pass the
previous level, the next level will appear .
- Guard the thorpe. 10 points
- Traversing the seabed. 100 points
- Rescue the Lady Pig. 1000 points
- Flying to the sky. 10000points
Hardest Pig 是一款极具挑战的游戏,虽然游戏中只设有4道管卡,但是这对你来说恐怕已经很难了,你只有先完成前一关的任务,后一关才会出现。
- 保卫村庄 10分
- 穿越海底 100分
- 救援母猪 1000分
- 飞向蓝天 10000分